
Tax Planning & Preparation

Tax time is stressful, especially when you have a small business. Calculating income and deductions and figuring out how to report correctly and which forms to use can make business taxes overwhelming. Hiring someone you trust with experience can help ease that stress. The key to efficiently realizing tax savings and mitigating your tax liability is planning ahead throughout the year and this is a key service provided that goes beyond the preparation of the year-end tax return.


Logging receipts and expenses, distributing payroll & payroll taxes, and producing & reviewing financials are all part of bookkeeping for a small business to measure performance and realize goals for growth and success for a small business. When you hire a professional bookkeeper, you spend less time crunching numbers and more time running the business you love.

Business Consulting & CFO Services

Small businesses deliver a local service or product and enhance the community with their presence. This is a full-time job to run operations without the burden of keeping up with the books, financial projections and forecasting, and cash flow. With a professional on your side to do the heavy lifting, analyzing the financials, and helping you make daily business decisions to promote growth and development and create efficiencies within the business, you can rest easy.


Serving small business and startups, with experience in the following industries

  • A tractor sprays crops.

    Farming & Ranching

  • Real Estate
    Healthcare & Wellness

  • Oil rig pumping oil.

    Oil & Gas
    Independent Contractors
    Trades Services

  • Restaurant
    Salon Services